суббота, 4 сентября 2010 г.

Homel's Puppet Theatre: "Memorial Service" (Belarus)

This performance by stage director Grigorij Goldman tells about the life of jewish in the Eastern Europe.
Play "Memorial Service" based on Sholem Aleichem's novels "Tevye's Daughters" and "Tevye the Milkman".
Sholem Aleichem was named "Yiddish Mark Twen". His writings  have pawky humour and nostalgia.
Those senses was saved the perfomance.

I want to show the photos of the perfomanse.
Now, sea:

The First Post

This blog is the english version of my LJ.
I start it becouse I want to impart my ideas and feelings with non-russian-language  Internet users.
Another intent of  the blog  is to improve my  english language.